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3M chief rips ‘Robin Hood-esque’ POTUS

Apparently, this is what “winning the future” is all about:

The head of one of the US’s biggest industrial groups has launched a scathing attack on Barack Obama’s attempts to repair relations with companies, dubbing him “anti-business”.

Manufacturers could shift production out of the US to Canada or Mexico as a result, warned George Buckley, chief executive and chairman of 3M.

“I judge people by their feet, not their mouth,” he told the Financial Times. “We know what his instincts are – they are Robin Hood-esque. He is anti-business.” […]
There is a sense among companies that this is a difficult place to do business. It is about regulation, taxation, seemingly anti-business policies in Washington, attitudes towards science.”

He added: “Politicians forget that business has choice. We’re not indentured servants and we will do business where it’s good and friendly. If it’s hostile, incrementally, things will slip away. We’ve got a real choice between manufacturing in Canada and Mexico – which tend to be pro-business – or America.”

The problem with Mr. Buckley and other businesses like 3M, is that they will never have the President’s ear when it comes to job creation.  That is reserved for those who contribute the most to the DNC’s political pot.

In the meantime, Americans will have to make do with companies sending jobs overseas, something Candidate Obama said he would put an end to, and finding less onerous and stifling markets from which to operate.  All of this as the Federal government continues to grow in size and scope, sucking up all of the oxygen in the room.
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