
Archive for May, 2011

Alabama tornado victim calls out POTUS on Federal aid

May 31, 2011 Leave a comment

Why does Obama hate brown people so much?

File this under “Imagine how the media would react if this was George W. Bush”




Governor Christie propses pulling Jersey out of onerous cap and trade program

May 26, 2011 Leave a comment

The governor is proposing pulling out of the voluntary RGGI program, which is a voluntary state cap-and-trade program.

Good riddance.  The program is quickly becoming a cess pool of political corruption (surprise!), meanwhile our state has seen New Jersey companies pick up and leave because of higher energy costs due to the program, among other concerns.

Wasn’t cap-and-trade supposed to be good for businesses?

Fat, white and male liberal talk-show host from MSNBC on Laura Ingraham: “She’s a right-wing slut”

May 25, 2011 Leave a comment

Behold, the new civility:

The transcript:

“And what do the Republicans thinking about?” Schultz said. “They’re not thinking about their next-door neighbor. They’re just thinking about how much this is going to cost. President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they’re talking about, like this right-wing slut, what’s her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she’s a talk slut. You see, she was, back in the day, praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas. But now that Obama’s doing it, they’re working him over.”

Lean forward, MSNBC, lean forward.

UPDATE.   Stacy McCain is listening for feminist outrage, but alas, there is none to be heard.   Yentas.

On NY-26

May 25, 2011 Leave a comment

The professional Left has a serious case of the vapors over the Democrat Kathleen Hochul winning this special election in upstate New York.

The conventional wisdom is that this is a rebuke of the Ryan plan for Medicare, and of course, tons of left-wing idiocy is afoot.

Both are wrong of course.

Drew M:

Special elections are always hinky affairs at best. With a fake tea party candidate in the race and the previous seat holder disgraced in a Craig’s List dating scandal, this wasn’t anything approaching “at best” for Republicans.

The NY GOP just sucks at these (as does the party nationally). They lost NY-20 when Kirsten Gillibrand was named to the Senate. They lost NY-23 when John McHugh was named Secretary of the Army (that was the whole Dede Scozzafava v. Doug Hoffman race). The one win was the race to replace Eric “The Tickler” Massa in NY-29 but that special was held concurrently with the general election last November.

The party picked candidates (NY doesn’t allow for primaries in specials, the county chairs name candidates) in NY-20 and NY-23 did lousy jobs.

That pretty much sums it up.

Erick Erickson:

Ultimately, for those who think this was a rejection of the GOP’s medicare reform efforts, they’ll have to explain who the GOP candidate and the Tea Party candidate combined got more votes than the Democrat.

Read the whole post.

This was more of a special election issue, rather than a position on Medicare reform.

Spain is the next Greece

May 19, 2011 Leave a comment

There seems to be a trend going on in European countries with nanny-state socialist tendencies recently:

Thousands of people last night filled Puerta del Sol, where demonstrators have used Twitter to attract supporters to a makeshift camp in the central Madrid plaza, mirroring the use of social media that fueled the recent protests in Tunisia andEgypt. They’ve plastered buildings with posters and slogans and are holding political discussions throughout the day.

Spain’s Socialist government, which faces regional and local elections on May 22, turned against its traditional base to push through the deepest budget cuts in at least three decades and overhaul labor and pension laws. The collapse of Spain’s debt-fueled property boom left the country with an unemployment rate of 21 percent, and 45 percent of young people out of work.

“The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer,” Pepa Garcia, a 34 year-old unemployed actress, said in an interview yesterday at the Puerta del Sol. “People should be indignant; some banks are getting rescued with our money while we’re almost drowning.”


Spain’s bank-rescue fund has committed around 11 billion euros ($16 billion) to lenders suffering from the collapse of the real estate market. Savings banks need another 14 billion euros to meet new capital requirements, the Bank of Spain estimates. The government is pushing lenders to raise those funds from private investors, with the national rescue facility known as FROB acting as a backstop.


The Socialists are set to suffer a setback in most of the regional elections, polls show. The party will be beaten in the region of Castilla-La Mancha, which it has controlled for three decades, and may lose the city of Barcelona for the first time since Spain’s return to democracy in 1975, according to a poll by the state-run Center for Sociological Research on May 5.

[Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis] Zapatero has angered traditional supporters by slashing public wages, freezing pensions and seeking to change wage- bargaining rules as part of his efforts to cut the euro-region’s third-largest budget deficit and shield the Spanish economy from the sovereign debt crisis.

There are lessons to be learned here in the United States, as more and more people become dependent on a government check for support.    The government should always be considered temporary help to your situation, because as fast as the government gives, so can it take away.

How not to run for President

May 17, 2011 Leave a comment

It’s barely Tuesday and it’s already the worst week ever for the Gingrich campaign.   Will Gingrich flame out before the campaign is even a week old?

[South Carolina Governor Nikki] Haley, whose promise to endorse a presidential candidate has made her a key power broker in the Republican primary fight, joined in the chorus Tuesday and said she is “terribly disappointed” in Gingrich.

“What he said was absolutely unfortunate,” Haley told CNN in a phone interview. “Here you’ve got Representative Ryan trying to bring common sense to this world of insanity, and Newt absolutely cut him off at the knees.”

“When you have a conservative fighting for real change, the last thing we need is a presidential candidate cutting him off at the knees,” she added.

It’s easy to figure out Newt’s Road to the White House from here.  Let’s see now:

1) Piss off Iowa Republicans?  Check

2) Piss off South Carolina Republicans?  Check

3) ??

4) President Gingrich!

A sincere hat-tip goes to Governor Haley, especially for the last sentence in that excerpt.  Paul Ryan has done what most politicians would never dare to do–formulate and actually present a plan to reform our disastrous entitlement programs.  The President,  the Democrats in Congress–not one of them is proposing anything.  And certainly not Newt Gingrich.  He’d rather see what the polls are saying and play to the elderly vote “have a conversation” about entitlement reform.   That’s not leadership, Mr. Speaker.  That’s more of the same crap.  Which is what we don’t need nor want.

Iowa voter spanks Newt Gingrich

May 16, 2011 Leave a comment

It didn’t take long for Newt to get knee-deep in the muck of a presidential campaign. 

Watch this video of an Iowan Republican stick it to the man after calling Paul Ryan’s budget plan “radical”.  The fun starts at about 1:30 into the clip:

Money quote:  “You’re an embarrassment to our party.  Why don’t you get out before you make a bigger fool of yourself.”

It’s not even primary season yet and already Newt is already pissing off Iowa Republicans.  That’s really not a good way to start out, wouldn’t you say?

Welcome to the 2012 Campaign, Mr. Speaker!

The Federal government’s credit card is maxed out. Literally.

May 16, 2011 Leave a comment

So, what’s a financially strapped government to do?  Find other sources of cash, wherever it can:

The Obama administration will begin to tap federal retiree programs to help fund operations after the government lost its ability Monday to borrow more money from the public, adding urgency to efforts in Washington to fashion a compromise over the debt.

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner has warned for months that the government would soon hit the $14.3 trillion debt ceiling — a legal limit on how much it can borrow. With that limit reached Monday, Geithner is undertaking special measures in an effort to postpone the day when he will no longer have enough funds to pay all of the government’s bills.

Geithner, who has already suspended a program that helps state and local government manage their finances, will begin to borrow from retirement funds for federal workers. The measure won’t have an impact on retirees because the Treasury is legally required to reimburse the program.

The maneuver buys Geithner only a few months of time. If Congress does not vote by Aug. 2 to raise the debt limit, Geithner says the government is likely to default on some of its obligations, which he says would cause enormous economic harm and the suspension of government services, including the disbursal of Social Security funds.

You just gotta love the Obama administration.   They’re taking us to levels that were once the sole domain of European bureaucracies and Third World countries.

But hey, President Obama himself killed Bin Laden so who really cares if we go broke the year before a national election?

On Mike Huckabee

May 14, 2011 Leave a comment

I have no idea who I’m supporting for the GOP nomination in next years election.  But one thing’s for certain–I’m not rooting for Mike Huckabee.

The blogosphere and the talking heads on television are waiting with bated breath, as the Huckster has decided to make his official announcement on his Fox television show.  How’s that for tacky?

Apparently, Huckabee doesn’t really understand the severity of the situation in this country.  And if he does, we have to tune in to his show to find out. 

I’ll take a pass.

Mitt Romney is, effectively, toast

May 13, 2011 Leave a comment

In case you missed it, the WSJ ran a scathing op-ed on Romney’s primary failing as a candidate for the GOP nomination–Romneycare. 

Here’s the gist:

For a potential President whose core argument is that he knows how to revive free market economic growth, this amounts to a fatal flaw. Presidents lead by offering a vision for the country rooted in certain principles, not by promising a technocracy that runs on “data.” Mr. Romney’s highest principle seems to be faith in his own expertise.

More immediately for his Republican candidacy, the debate over ObamaCare and the larger entitlement state may be the central question of the 2012 election. On that question, Mr. Romney is compromised and not credible.

Read the whole thing, it really is a telling piece.

Meanwhile, he has punched back at the Journal.