Home > Obama administration, Politics, The Obama Administration > Gallup: 40% approval for Obama, lowest of his administration to date

Gallup: 40% approval for Obama, lowest of his administration to date

Notice the disapproval rating is up to 52% as well.

Here’s an interesting bit from Gallup’s write-up:

The crucial period for Obama will begin after Labor Day, given the relative quiet on the political front that should be the case before then. Obama will generate some news coverage this week with his bus tour through Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois, but after that, he has a scheduled vacation on Martha’s Vineyard, during which he will be largely out of the news — barring some major crisis.


If the president is not able to turn around the negative momentum in his ratings during the fall months, it may be more and more difficult for him to do so as the presidential campaign begins in earnest next year.

The White House is getting the word out that a “jobs plan” is on the way.  Sometime in September, after his vacation.   There is no urgency here on the President’s part, as millions are without work.  And any plan he has will probably include more spending, useless targeted tax credits and the like.

This administration and its ideology are out of ideas, and it shows.

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